S.N. Security Services is a security company based in UP, India and founded in 2023 by Mr. K.K. Ojha, offers comprehensive security solutions, including planning, system analysis, and executive services. Its strong reputation arises from continuous improvement, client-centricity, and deep understanding of client needs. Major businesses prefer S.N. Security Services for its collective efforts in delivering world-class client experiences. Personnel receive rigorous training for efficient task execution.

The seasoned senior management excels in emergency handling. Core discipline instilled in all personnel significantly contributes to the company's success. Quality training, custom solutions, and experienced leadership make S.N. Security Service a standout provider.

Our Mission

We firmly believe in "Customer First" theory and thus we recruit best Operations Management Team who understand even the smallest concern of people, particularly the security challenges businesses and families face on a daily basis. Managing these challenges and providing a safe environment, whether it is for your home or your business, is our core business. Customer Satisfaction is the thing for which our team continuously works for.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to provide security with cutting edge protection and loss prevention Services, which is unique in the field of private security firm. Employees at S.N. Security Services have an integrated approach in planning and providing Security & Safety to our clients. Our endeavor is to relieve our clients of all their security anxieties so that they can enjoy a carefree life. Our customer desires are command for us and we leave no stones unturned in fulfilling our commitments. we aim to provide industry-leading security solutions while promoting a business culture founded on dedication, development, effectiveness, innovation, respect, teamwork and trust. Based on these company values, we endorse empowerment as a way to improve the quality of life of both our clients and our employees.